
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Test

About two weeks ago I had the privilege to be a beta tester for the new MMORPG from Bioware and Lucas Arts called Star Wars: The Old Republic. I was able to test the game for two days and from what I played this is going to be an awesome game.When you get into the game you are going to get to pick your allegiance. You get a choice between The Galactic Republic and The Sith Empire. I choose The Sith Empire because we all know the Dark Side of the Force is stronger. The Character I chose was the Sith Inquisitor. He is a Force driven Sith and is very good with Force Lightning. He is the equivalent of the Jedi Consular from the Light Side. There are a few races to choose from I choose to be a human and Humans have the ability to rally their allies. There are a couple of other races to choose from but one that stuck out to me was the Sith race. If you choose to have a character that is of the Sith race they have a special ability to Punish their allies for screwing up. I'm pretty sure that race isn't available for the dark side. There are also Non Jedi characters and the one I really would like to try is the Bounty Hunter. Who doesn't want to be a Bounty Hunter with Boba Fett being one of the most popular (if not the most popular) character in all of the Star Wars universe. That enough about the other classes back to the Sith Inquistor. The Inquistor's story start off as you being a slave and you have just been recruited by the Sith. You will be sent on various missions to see if you are worthy of this Sith. I didn't get to far but I played enough of the game to get a feel and know that I will be good. I can probably rival the popularity of World of Warcraft but we can't say for sure just yet. We will know all once the game comes out and has been around for a little while. If you have played WOW (or any MMORPG) you should get the hang of this quick. The game is loads of fun and if you are a Star Wars fan you will probably love this game. You might even like this game even if you aren't a fan of Star Wars. The game is fun and have seems to have a lot to offer from what I was able to see. Now on to the cons of the beta. These cons aren't really aimed at the game they are more aimed at the Beta. When I picked a server to play on I was in the Queue for over 3 hours and there was  a lot of lag. The game probably ran slow because my laptop isn't a high performance gaming laptop, but my Internet connection is fast and I experience lots of lag. This was probably because so many people were on and the servers were full to the top with testers and that will be fixed when the game come out. One day I logged on and could barely move around. Aside from the lag this game was loads of fun to play and will be when its released December 20, 2011.

To learn more about Star Wars: The Old Republic check out their website

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